Ticino Park
Table of contents
What, Why
Research activity
ResQ-Querce Resilienti project
Research activity
Forest survey
Lab work
Forest sites under investigation are located in Ticino Park (Fagiana, Geraci and Turbigaccio) and Groane Park (Groane and Garbagnate) (Lombardia, Northern Italy).
Spatial map of the 3 forest sites (Turbigaccio, Fagiana and Geraci), located within the Ticino Park.
Spatial map of the 2 forest sites (Groane and Garbagnate), located within the Groane Park.
What & Why
The forest study sites are dominated by Quercus robur, , with presence of other broadleaf species.
Since the early 1990s, oak trees showed drought-induced decline symptoms, interesting thousands of hectares of forest.
ResQ-Querce Resilienti project
The project aimed to investigate the causes and mechanisms underlying the widespread decline of Quercus robur in Lombardy's lowland oak forests with a highly multi-disciplinary approach based on the comparison of pairs of "dieback" and "non-dieback" trees.
The project involved University of Pavia, National Research Council (IBBR), and University of Basilicata.
Research activity
Forest survey
How were decaying and non-decaying trees distinguished? Crown transparency was estimated by a visual assessment performed by two independent observations on the same tree using binoculars.
25 pairs of spatially contiguous (within 25 m distance) and size-similar trees, identifiable as healthy ("Non-dieback") and un-healthy ("dieback") were chosen.
In situ. Each tree is labeled and georeferenced using a GPS device.
Dendro-ecological investigations
To quantify radial growth, increment cores were extracted at breast height (1.3 m) using 5 mm Pressler increment borers.
This allows us to evaluate and date possible variations in growth rates, which can be attributed to decay; and identify the climatic factors majorly affecting annual growth at each site.
Sampling trees for genetic investigations
A slingshot was used to collect twigs and leaves used for DNA extractions and genetic investigations.
Among the investigated genes will include those implicated in the main ecophysiological processes related to responses to predisposing factors to decay (e.g., genes associated with the responses to water stress and pest attacks).
Samplings for phytopathological investigation
All selected trees were thoroughly examined to verify the presence of wood macro fungi as well as terricolous species that are more or less beneficial to the tree itself; leaf samples were collected to detect the presence of microscopic fungi.
Labor work
Dendro-chronological investigations
Dendro-chronological analysis were performed by research team of University of Pavia.
Genetic investigations
Genetic analysis were performed by CNR (National Research Council) research team.
Phytopathological investigations
The investigations of microfungal colonization of leaves of dieback and non-dieback oaks, were carried out at the Mycology Laboratory of the University of Pavia
Carbon isotope investigations
Carbon isotope ratios were analyzed to assessed in wood of the two vigor classes to compare their water-use efficiency. The analysis were carried out by researchers of University of Basilicata.