Close to Policoro (Matera, Basilicata, Southern Italy) along the Sinni river, where the it flows into the Ionian see.
A drone shooting of Bosco Pantano, the coast and the Ionian Sea in the background (spring 2022).
What, Why & Who
Bosco Pantano is a hygrophilous forest, in which the dominant tree species are narrow-leaved ash, black alder, elm, and white poplar. The forest, which hosts a relic pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) population, is undergoing a severe decline because of climate change and the construction of a dam along the Sinni River. As a result, river water flow was significantly reduced and the water table lowered, leading to an increasingly hostile environment for hygrophilous species.
According to the European Commission Habitats Directive, this site has communal importance and is a high conservation value Mediterranean floodplain forest. Of approximately 150 hectares, the forest is a relict of a larger old growth forest destroyed by unregulated exploitation during 1950s that aimed to gain new lands for crops and fruit orchards. After the 1950s, the human pressure was limited to very few cuts leaving this area almost undisturbed. The oak population in Bosco Pantano is genetically distinct from other populations within the species' natural range and show signs of genetic erosion. This highlights its ecological and evolutionary significance and the need of conservation efforts. Bosco Pantano is now under consideration as a Genetic Conservation Unit for Q. robur.
A research project (l'ultima foresta incantata- the last enchanted forest) aiming at the conservation of Bosco Pantano was financed by Fondazione con il Sud and is being jointly carried out by: University of Basilicata, National Research Council (IBBR), Legambiante, WWF, Province of Matera and other non-profit organisations.

National TV news interview (in Italian) about the Bosco Pantano conservation project : l'ultima foresta incantata - the last enchanted forest. Lenght: 3'29''.
Research activity
Forest survey
Aerial drone shootings were used to characterise the forest and find Quercus robur trees, scattered here and there. Overall, 64 oak trees were found and geo-referenced. It took strenuous work to reach each tree through the dense undergrowth, untouched for more than 50 years. Now, are available trail tracks which lead quite easily to each tree. Numbered with a tag, each tree underwent the measurement of stem diameter at the height of 1.3 m, total height, crown width. The health status of each tree was assessed and phenological observations were regularly made.
Antonio Lapolla, Maria Castellaneta and Danilo Travascia (SAFE, University of Basilicata) during survey activity and tree measurements in Bosco Pantano.
Dendro-ecological investigations
Twenty-eight Q. robur trees were selected for dendro-ecological analyses. From each of these trees, two wood cores were extracted from the stem using a 5 mm Pressler borer, at the height of 1.3 m and from stem opposite directions.
Andrea Piotti (IBBR, CNR) while using the slingshot.
Sampling trees for genetic investigations
A slingshot (similar to that used to throw ropes over high branches for tree climbing) was used to collect twigs and leaves used for DNA extractions and genetic investigations. It is a method which reduces the costs, risks and time associated with this type of collection.
Aerial map of Bosco Pantano. Green and purple dots indicate le position of Quercus robur trees. Purple dots indicate the position of trees selected for the genetic investigations. Red and orange dotted lines are paths to reach the trees.
Oak regeneration
During the fall, acorns were harvested from Q. robur trees with the highest genetic divergence and sown in the nursery. Here, optimal growing conditions (proper light, water, and nutrients) were provided to seedlings. After the seedlings had grown to an appropriate size, they were transplanted into the forest along identified paths through the forest. Regular monitoring and maintenance activities are now carried out to ensure seedlings survival and growth.
In an area where reforestation was made in the past with Aleppo pine and Eucalyptus spp., a renaturation intervention is underway. After thinning to create gaps in the forest canopy, seedlings of native species (Quercus robur and Fraxinus angustifolia) have been planted.
Images which document the renaturation intervention. Drone shoots show the gaps in the forest canopy created by thinning.
Q. robur seedlings planted after thinning.
The monumental oak
A large oak tree in the center of Bosco Pantano has been identified, described and then officially recognized as a monumental tree (D.M. MiPAAF n. 205016 - 5 May 2021).
The project RY-PARTY-AMO
Action 1 : Drone monitoring of areas before and after intervention
Action 2 : Two seed-collecting campaigns
Action 3 : Alloctone trees removal activities
Action 4 : Construction of tree nursery
Action 5 : Reconstruction of vegetation coverage
Action 6 : Renaturalization of area after removing alloctone species
Action 7 : Path reinstatements and signboard installations
Action 8 : Ecological and botanical investigations

Action 1 : Drone monitoring of areas before and after intervention

Action 2 : Two seed-collecting campaigns
Collect acorns in the Bosco Pantano
Collection and planting of ash tree seed of the Bosco Pantano
Action 5 : Reconstruction of vegetation coverage
Action 6 : Renaturalization of area after removing alloctone species
Action 7 : Path reinstatements and signboard installations
Realized the first products, designed for the installation of posters, utilizing the wood derived from the 'renaturalization intervention.
Action 8 : Ecological and botanical investigations
Carried out surveys in decaying ash forest , in order to set up restoration interventions
Travascia D, Castellaneta M, Colucci A, Cirelli G, Lapolla A, Misano G, De Capua E, Rosito M, Ripullone F (2022). Valutazione dei fattori di vulnerabilità della riserva naturale Bosco Pantano di Policoro: l’approccio dinamico SWOT-AHP. Forest@-Journal of Silviculture and Forest Ecology, 19(1), 67.
Agata M, Castellaneta M (2020). L’ultima foresta incantata: un progetto per salvare il bosco igrofilo del Pantano di Policoro. Agrifoglio n.97
Castellaneta M (2020). La ricerca al servizio delle foreste: il loro futuro è nelle nostre mani. SmartGreenPost Magazine.